Conversion of cdump to netcdf

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Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by kdgeorge »

I have been attempting to convert the binary concentration file (cdump) to netcdf format with the ../cmaq/conc2cdf tool. The tool appears to run correctly, but when I open the netcdf file the 'conc' variable has all zeros. I know there is data in this variable because the other conversion tools (conc2asc and concplot) work fine.

Also, the variable 'type' only has one of my pollutant names printed while I actually have 4.

All of the other variables appear to be in the output netcdf file correctly, but I am not sure what the issue is. The most recent update on the conc2cdf file I have appears to be 29 Oct 2010. Maybe I don't have the most recent version?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by ariel.stein »

Please try downloading the most recent version.
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Re: Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by jsartan »

Same error as described above and have the most recent version of the conc2cdf.f Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by ariel.stein »

Can you please send me your cdump file?
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Re: Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by jsartan »

sure! hopefully it attaches.
Had to add the txt extension
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Re: Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by ariel.stein »

I made the conversion and it worked. Here is the header:
ncdump -h
netcdf cdump {
longitude = 1801 ;
latitude = 901 ;
levels = 4 ;
time = 6 ;
bnds = 2 ;
float latitude(latitude) ;
latitude:long_name = "latitude degrees north from the equator" ;
latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
latitude:point_spacing = "even" ;
float longitude(longitude) ;
longitude:long_name = "longitude degrees east from the greenwich meridian" ;
longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
longitude:point_spacing = "even" ;
int levels(levels) ;
levels:long_name = "Top height of each layer" ;
levels:units = "m" ;
double time(time) ;
time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
float olat ;
olat:long_name = "Simulation origin latitude" ;
float olon ;
olon:long_name = "Simulation origin longitude" ;
float olvl ;
olvl:long_name = "Simulation origin level" ;
int otim ;
otim:long_name = "Simulation start time YYMMDDHH" ;
float p006(time, levels, latitude, longitude) ;
p006:long_name = "Concentration Array - p006" ;
float p020(time, levels, latitude, longitude) ;
p020:long_name = "Concentration Array - p020" ;
float p060(time, levels, latitude, longitude) ;
p060:long_name = "Concentration Array - p060" ;
float p200(time, levels, latitude, longitude) ;
p200:long_name = "Concentration Array - p200" ;
double time_bnds(time, bnds) ;

// global attributes:
:title = "HYSPLIT Model Concentration Output" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.5" ;

Also, we plotted the netcdf file and it has values different from zero. Although most of them are zeroes.
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Re: Conversion of cdump to netcdf

Post by lmingari »

I had the same problem. There is a bug in the conc2cdf.f file.

The size of the idconc variable is improperly defined:
INTEGER :: idconc(3)

Therefore, you will have problems if you have more than four pollutants.
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