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EMITIMES character limits

Posted: June 17th, 2022, 11:47 am
by dmv_fsf
Are there character limits for columns in the emissions file? For example, if I want to emit for a week, and the second emissions header is "DURATION(hhmm)", will a corresponding entry of "16800" (ie. 168 hours and 0 minutes) work?

Re: EMITIMES character limits

Posted: June 17th, 2022, 12:15 pm
by Fantine
We just talked about this in the workshop presentation that it is not limited to 4 digits. It will work If you put in 16800 for the duration. Not that all the columns in the EMITIMES file are separated by blank characters.

Re: EMITIMES character limits

Posted: June 17th, 2022, 12:39 pm
by dmv_fsf
Yes thank you for both the explanation during the session and the response here!