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run trajectory matrix mode from script ?

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 6:59 am
by edieudon

I would like to know if it's possible to run trajectories in matrix mode using a script.

I've already run single trajectories by calling "hyts_std.exe" in the script, ensemble trajectories work also fine by calling "hyts_ens.exe", but there is no "hyts_mat.exe" or something that could be called to run matrix trajectories. I found nothing about this in the user's guide or in the readme files.

I could get the same result with single trajectories by looping on the point of origin in the script but this would generate many more output files so I would prefer to use directly the matrix mode if possible.

Can you tell me how to proceed ?
Thanks for your answer,

Re: run trajectory matrix mode from script ?

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 9:56 am
by ariel.stein
Here you have an example for such a script:


cd $OUT

if [ ! -f ASCDATA.CFG ]; then
echo "-90.0 -180.0" >ASCDATA.CFG
echo "1.0 1.0" >>ASCDATA.CFG
echo "180 360" >>ASCDATA.CFG
echo "2" >>ASCDATA.CFG
echo "0.2" >>ASCDATA.CFG
echo "$MDL/bdyfiles/" >>ASCDATA.CFG
echo $0

echo "83 09 25 17 " >CONTROL
echo "3 " >>CONTROL
echo "38.00 -84.00 750.0 " >>CONTROL
echo "44.00 -74.00 750.0 " >>CONTROL
echo "39.00 -83.00 750.0 " >>CONTROL
echo "6 " >>CONTROL
echo "0 " >>CONTROL
echo "10000.0 " >>CONTROL
echo "1 " >>CONTROL
echo "$MET/ " >>CONTROL
echo "captex2_narr.bin " >>CONTROL
echo "./ " >>CONTROL
echo "fdump " >>CONTROL

${MDL}/exec/trajplot -v0 -z80 -j${MDL}/graphics/arlmap -ifdump
cat >>

rm -f fdump
# gs

Re: run trajectory matrix mode from script ?

Posted: February 10th, 2014, 4:31 am
by edieudon
OK, so I need first to call "latlon.exe" to generate the matrix of starting points, and then the standard hysplit executable does the job.

Thanks for your help !
