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vehicular emissions

Posted: June 18th, 2021, 2:55 pm
by saket.ranjan2006
How can HYSPLIT help in STUBBLE BURNING dispersion and source apportionment studies? It's a major problem in the Indian air pollution context.

Re: vehicular emissions

Posted: June 18th, 2021, 3:30 pm
by Tianfeng.Chai
Although this thread is titled as "vehicular emissions", the content seems to indicate you are interested in straw stubble burning.

It is possible to only issue burning permits when smoke generated from stubble burning has less effect to human health (e.g. smoke will not transport to populated area). HYSPLIT forecast runs will help this kind of planning.

On the other hand, HYSPLIT can be used to trace back the source of smoke as well. This includes simple back trajectory runs and more advanced HYSPLIT inverse modeling.