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concplot question

Posted: June 27th, 2021, 8:10 pm
by davidglenn
The display of concentration contours fills the space between contour lines with colors depicted in the legend. When I save the display file as KLM, there is only a series of blocks/cells without the contours. If I save the display file as ESRI generated, I can bring the shapefile into QGIS but only the lines. There is no fill between the lines. Is there a way to capture the as it appears as a *.ps file? Thanks

Re: concplot question

Posted: June 28th, 2021, 8:19 am
by sonny.zinn
The KML/KMZ file should show contours with colors filled between the contours, just like Could you post a screenshot of the KML plot to better understand the issue? Thanks.

Re: concplot question

Posted: June 28th, 2021, 2:30 pm
by davidglenn
I've attached 3 screen shots. Top is the The middle is what is generated from the KML option. When I select the KML option the drop down box for ImageMagic appears. I select 'continue'. The bottom is the KML and the ESRI contour lines. I suspect the problem is that 'convert.exe' is not in the path. If that is the case, can you help me with that. Many thanks for your help.

Re: concplot question

Posted: June 29th, 2021, 10:24 am
by sonny.zinn
Thanks for the screenshots which proved to be useful. A KMZ file is a zip file containing a KML file and other files. HYSPLIT adds an image file showing contour legends, namely, colors and their corresponding contour levels. Creation of legend images requires the convert.exe program.

If you have not installed ImageMagick, please read and have it installed. It is important to select the "Install Legacy Utilities" option during the installation as emphasized on the web page.

After ImageMagick is installed, run the HYSPLIT graphical user interface. Click the "Advanced" menu, "Configuration Setup," and "Set Directories." Verify that the "ImageMagaick path/executable" points to the convert.exe program on your computer. Mine points to "C:/Program Files/ImageMagick/convert.exe."

Once the convert.exe issue is resolved, create a KML/KMZ file and see if the KML contours is the same as those in

Re: concplot question

Posted: June 29th, 2021, 3:02 pm
by davidglenn
That solved part of the problem. I re-install Imagemagic with legacy utilities. So now the shapefile is created but it lacks the different colors of the legend. I've attached screenshots. I have to extract the KML from the KMZ in windows, it does not automatically extract it. I use 7-zip not winzip. Is that the problem? I see there is a zip.exe that is called. Should this path be changed? Many thanks for helping with this. HYSLIP is amazing!!

Re: concplot question

Posted: June 30th, 2021, 7:26 am
by sonny.zinn
I use Google Earth to view a KMZ file. There is no need to extract anything from KMZ.

Re: concplot question

Posted: June 30th, 2021, 10:34 am
by davidglenn
You are correct. Google Earth imports the KMZ file and displays it correctly. I'm using QGIS and I've learned that it only imports a single layer of the KML layers ie the integration. So my problem is with QGIS not HYSLIP. Thank you for your insight into this problem.