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Python installation

Posted: June 23rd, 2020, 1:04 pm
by lhopson

For some parts of the workshop, I noticed that it could be good to have the python anaconda3 package installed on your laptop. I went ahead and installed it but when I try to run it using hysplt, it says that there is no environment in which hysplt can use it. How would I go about creating an hysplit environment in anaconda3?

Thank you

Re: Python installation

Posted: June 23rd, 2020, 1:27 pm
Please, go to c:\hysplit\python folder, and follow instructions in 'install_win10.txt'


Re: Python installation

Posted: June 23rd, 2020, 1:29 pm
Copied from 'install_win10.txt'.

2. Installing python packages

- From the Windows Start menu, go to "Anaconda3 (64-bit)" and click
"Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)." This will open an anaconda prompt.
- Using the anaconda prompt, change directory to the python directory
of your hysplit installation. For example, if hysplit is installed
at C:\hysplit4, the python directory would be C:\hysplit4\python.
- Type install_win10 on the anaconda prompt and hit the enter key.
The hysplit anaconda environment will be created and all required
packages will be installed.

Re: Python installation

Posted: June 23rd, 2020, 1:42 pm
Also, don't forget to confirm Anaconda3 environment path is properly set.
(Advanced-Configuration setup-Set directories-Anaconda3 environment path)