Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

HYSPLIT was originally designed to run offline utilizing meteorological data such as are provided by WRF-ARW. A new model framework has been developed that the revised HYSPLIT model is coupled inline with WRF-ARW to take advantage of the higher temporal frequency of the meteorological variables produced by the meteorological model, as well as using WRF-ARW's vertical coordinate scheme. The inline coupling approach is a more consistent depiction of the state of the atmosphere available to the dispersion model through the elimination of the need to interpolate the meteorological fields temporally and vertically. This forum was created to foster discussion on the use of the In-line WRF-HYSPLIT coupling.
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Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by poprostudaria »

I have question about plotting trajectories in in-line WRF-HYSPLIT. I run simulation and I got HYOLAT, HYOLON and HYOHGT values (it looks like in the pictures which I have attached). My question is: is it possible to obtain the picture of trajectories like in "normal" HYSPLIT (I mean not WRF-HYSPLIT)? What should I do to create it?
Best regards,
Zrzut ekranu 2016-11-03 o 12.06.45.png
Zrzut ekranu 2016-11-03 o 12.06.45.png (34.14 KiB) Viewed 38640 times
Zrzut ekranu 2016-11-03 o 12.07.05.png
Zrzut ekranu 2016-11-03 o 12.07.05.png (20.84 KiB) Viewed 38640 times
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by Fantine »

The inline HYSPLIT generated trajectory output in the WRF file format only (netcdf). You can also see the print out of trajectory locations in the log file of WRF (rsl.out.0000).
For plotting trajectories on a map, you can create a program to read netcdf file and visualize with whatever tools you want. Or you can extract trajectory points and put them in the standard output format ( that trajplot in the HYSPLIT package can plot them on a map.
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by poprostudaria »

Hello again,
my previous problem has been solved (thank you very much!).
I have run the inline HYSPLIT captex simulation, and now I want to run the inline-HYSPLIT (trajectories) with my domain (Poland, Europe) but I have problem with this. The WRF simulation is completed, but I don't have values HYOLAT and HYOLON - I have no idea why. I have tried with different settings, but it still does not work.
I have attached my namelist.input and CONTROL file, I will be very grateful, if you can look at them - maybe you will be able to see my mistakes and reasons of failure.
Best regards,
(5.94 KiB) Downloaded 14385 times
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by Fantine »

Do you see trajectory endpoints printed out in the WRF's log file (rsl.out.0000)? It can tell a lot what the problem is.
It will be more helpful if you can send or post the log file.
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by poprostudaria »

Here is rsl.out file : ... sp=sharing
I'm very sorry for the URL, but the file is too large (15.5 MB, ~260000 lines) to upload it as attachment (or code). If my way of passing the file is forbidden, please let me know about it. Maybe it is possible to pass the file in different way?
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by Fantine »

Suggesting you to change the time_step=60 for the WRF simulation. Because using time_step=75 ended up HYSPLIT's clock time not matching with WRF's clock at "2016-04-01_12:00:00" when the trajectory calculation should start. Usually, inline simulation uses time step less than or equal to 60 sec.
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by poprostudaria »

Thank you very much! It works with time_step=60.
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Re: Trajectories in In-line HYSPLIT

Post by poprostudaria »

I have moved this question into new topic [I would like to ask if it is possible to generate trajectories for many hours, for a few days, but for one location and one height, in one inline-HYSPLIT run? If it is possible, I'd be very grateful for answer: how to do it?]
All the best,
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