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Using GFS Weather Data's Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2] for Sensible Heat Flux (H) in ARL-224 Equation (27)

Posted: August 14th, 2023, 8:52 am
by itts9904
Hello everyone,

I am currently working with the ARL-224 documentation, specifically referring to Equation (27) on page 11, where the variable for Sensible Heat Flux (H) is introduced.

I am considering using the Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2] provided by the GFS (Global Forecast System) weather data for this variable in my computations. However, I want to make sure that this would be an appropriate substitution, and it aligns with the underlying principles of the ARL-224 model.

Could anyone with experience in this area confirm if using the GFS's Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2] for the Sensible Heat Flux (H) variable in Equation (27) would be acceptable or recommend any alternatives if necessary?

Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!