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Guidance on multiple point sources with continuous processes

Posted: June 7th, 2023, 2:16 am
by mpesh
Hi there! I an new here and to HYSPLIT in general (been reading through the manual, combing help pages, and working through tutorials for a while now). I am wanting to use the HYSPLIT concentration model to track pollution coming from continuous processes at plants all over one state. I have data for almost 2000 different point sources— annual emissions estimates for criteria pollutants from 1984 to 2021. My understanding is that this is a lot of data for the HYSPLIT GUI to handle, and would probably take a very long time to process (I would also be open to condense to a daily average concentration per year around each point source—based on a few days in that year and assumptions of a continuous process at a constant flow rate if that’s what’s most feasible with this amount of data). But either way, I am wondering about how to make this process as efficient as possible. I am not opposed to using the command line at all, but so far in my readings I am absolutely overwhelmed by trying to figure out how everything connects going from the GUI to the command line end. I am aware of the EMITIMES file option in the advanced menu, where different locations and rates can be specified over time. Is this the best path forward for what I am trying to do, or do any experienced users have any other guidance? Just looking for any help to get pointed in the right direction.

Re: Guidance on multiple point sources with continuous processes

Posted: October 5th, 2023, 7:24 am
by alicec
When transitioning from using the GUI to using scripting the following may help you.
For scripting, the main flow of work is.
1. write the CONTROL file
2. if using write the SETUP.CFG file.
3. if using write the EMITIMES file
4. call the hysplit executable you are using (hycs_std for dispersion, hyts_std for trajectory)
5. call any postprocessing (e.g. plotting programs).
6. trouble shoot any problems and/or enjoy your results

The main input into HYSPLIT is the CONTROL file. The lines in the CONTROL file are described here.
trajectory run :
dispersion run:
The GUI will write a CONTROL file, so you can look at one that was produced with the GUI.

An optional input into HYSPLIT is the SETUP.CFG file.
There are many options you can include in the SETUP.CFG all described here.
defaults will be utilized for any parameters you don't specifically list in the SETUP.CFG file.
This is also written by the GUI so you can look at the one produced by the GUI for guidance.

After the model has run, you will want to do something with the results. Utility programs, including plotting are described here.
concplot is the main plotting program for dispersion.