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User input terrain height instead of GDAS terrain data

Posted: November 11th, 2021, 2:33 am
by indumati_sp
Is it possible to use user input terrain heights through Terrain.asc file instead of the terrain heights from GDAS file. How to set the model to use the user file?

Re: User input terrain height instead of GDAS terrain data

Posted: November 18th, 2021, 11:30 am
by christopher.loughner
No. For meteorological inputs on a pressure vertical coordinate system, the terrain height is set to the surface height defined in the meteorological input file. If surface height is not in the meteorological file, then terrain height is calculated within HYSPLIT based on the input surface pressure.

Re: User input terrain height instead of GDAS terrain data

Posted: November 24th, 2021, 7:04 am
by indumati_sp
Thank you for the reply sir. But is there any other way of ingesting user inputs of terrain and land use data? I also referred to the following section of the Tutorial
" TutorialX_2017/TutorialX/html/emit_fine.html (2.4 Finer scale terrain and land-use (140 min)) ".
How do I use the above given method to induce high resolution terrain data available with me?