Scripts for dispersion

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Scripts for dispersion

Post by suzan.aranda »

Hello: I am new with Hysplit and I saw there are some scripts to work in windows using the CMD with multiple trajectories. Are there any scripts for dispersion? Thank you.
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Re: Scripts for dispersion

Post by sonny.zinn »

Most sections of the HYSPLIT tutorial provides scripts. For example, Sec. 9.3 titled "Turbulence Parameterizations" (accessible at ... _turb.html) provides a Windows PC script for running several dispersion runs: click the gear icon under the section heading.
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Re: Scripts for dispersion

Post by suzan.aranda »

Hello, I see that you use a oct1618.BIN file as a met_file. What should I use if I want to get my dispersions from other coordinates and dates? What file(s) should I use as met_file? Thank you.
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Re: Scripts for dispersion

Post by sonny.zinn »

Met data files for HYSPLIT may be downloaded from ARL websites. Archived data for past dates are available at Forecast met data files are available at Please examine each meteorological datasets and use one that most suits your needs. Probably you might want to try several met datasets to gauge uncertainties.
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Re: Scripts for dispersion

Post by suzan.aranda »

Hello: Yes, I have to run HRRR and I see each file has 5 hours per day, so If I want to run 48 hours, do I need to get 9 files and add all of them to the GUI? I run first a fw trajectories for 20 days and I got *.BIN files, shouldI use that one? or should I use the *.TXT file with the tdp inside?
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Re: Scripts for dispersion

Post by sonny.zinn »

Please refer to Section 4 of the HYSPLIT tutorial available at ... index.html.
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