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what is the unit of the mass mentioned in PARINIT/PARDUMP

Posted: November 28th, 2023, 9:44 am
by hysplituser123
Hi HYSPIT admins,

Can you tell me what is the unit of the mass (Record #2 – REAL*4) defined in the PARDUMP/PARINIT file (grams/ug/kg), please?

Thank you,


Re: what is the unit of the mass mentioned in PARINIT/PARDUMP

Posted: December 1st, 2023, 10:05 am
by alicec
The mass unit is user specified when the emission rate is set. See the user guide.

12(2)- Emission rate (per hour)

Default: 1.0

Mass units released each hour. Units are arbitrary except when specific chemical transformation subroutines are associated with the calculation. Output air concentration units will be in the same units as specified on this line. For instance an input of kg/hr results in an output of kg/m3. When multiple sources are defined this rate is assigned to all sources unless the optional parameters are present on line 3(1).

To give a simple example - if the emission rate is set at 1000 mass units/h and 1000 particles are released during that hour, then each computational
particle will have 1 unit of mass associated with it and you would see that it the pardump file.
If the release rate was meant to be 1000 kg/h then you would interpret the mass in the pardump file as 1 kg. And so forth.