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Plotting multiple sources for the ensemble mean

Posted: December 23rd, 2020, 9:28 pm
by ldh

I'm using concplot to create forecast images of the HYSPLIT ensemble mean (and probability of exceedance for several thresholds, etc.). For some reason, I am only able to get one of the two sources to plot as a star on my concentration plots. Do you have any tips or recommendations on how to get both sources to plot?


Re: Plotting multiple sources for the ensemble mean

Posted: January 5th, 2021, 9:35 am
by barbara.stunder
If each of your member runs has 2 source locations, then the mean will show the two sources (stars). Was that what you ran? However, if each member has a different source location, then the mean will only show the source location (star) of the cdump.001 run.