Problem with color scale

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Problem with color scale

Post by AndrewCarsten »

Yesterday, I am having a hard time getting a color scale to display for a series of concentration simulations. Even if I do not specify any -c options no color scale appears,download lagu which makes it difficult to choose proper increments. Is there any way to force this with concplot?

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Re: Problem with color scale

Post by sonny.zinn »

By default, CONCPLOT automatically chooses contour values. If a set of contour level are to be specified, both -c4 (to enable setting contour values) and -v (to set contour values). For example, with -c4 -v10+5+2+1 CONCPLOT will use contour levels 10, 5, 2, and 1. Contour levels may be specified in scientific notation too, which may be useful when concentration values are small. An example would be -c4 -v3.2E-10+1.0E-10+3.2E-11+1.0E-11.
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