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Is there a batch job that can be submitted to the server to obtain 10-d back-trajectories for the time period specified?

Posted: July 22nd, 2021, 10:54 am
by sonny.zinn
[Note that the question and the answer below are recreated from a HYSPLIT FAQ site that predates this forum site. The original posting date is unknown.]

No. For this large number of trajectories, we suggest you download the meteorology data and the Windows/PC version of HYSPLIT. Through the GUI that comes with it, you can easily do one month or more at a time. Alternatively, also included are sample scripts for automating trajectory calculations that you can edit to suit your needs. With installation to the default directories, these scripts are in c:\hysplit4\examples\scripts\tcl.

See, Windows-based HYSPLIT section for the links to download/install the software. You can use the unregistered version with the archived Reanalysis data. At the bottom of that web page is a link to Workshop training information.

Through the GUI, relevant items are:
  • Meteorology – ARL Data ftp – Archive (to download the archive data)
  • Trajectory – Setup Run -Run model (to setup and run a trajectory, output to default directory c:\hysplit4\working)
  • Trajectory – Display – Trajectory (to plot a trajectory)
  • Trajectory – Special Runs – Daily (to do a month’s worth)
To set up a daily run (run HYSPLIT every day for a month period:

Basically you set up one trajectory run manually through the GUI (trajectory setup, then run, and display, to confirm it’s OK), then go to Trajectory – Special Runs – Daily. There is information on automated trajectory calculations at the “HYSPLIT Training Workshops” link at, then May 2008, PPT6.

Barbara Stunder