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Display 455 Trajectorys in singel plots

Posted: June 22nd, 2021, 4:25 am
by Carlo
Hello guys,

i have created 455 Files with "Daily Runs "(Trajectory/Special Runs/Daily) and saved them in the working folder.
Now I want to have for each File a plot of the trajectory cluster. Therefore I tried to use the Display option of Hyslpit (Trajectory/Display/Trajectory).


If I understand the program correctly I have to read in each file one by one. For 455 Files i would need a lot of time.
Is there an option to generate the trajectories in batch, so that I don't have to choose the 1 by 1?
And how I said, I want to have each trajectory separated - in a single plot.
If Hyplit can not do that, is there another program I could use ?

Best wishes,

Re: Display 455 Trajectorys in singel plots

Posted: June 22nd, 2021, 6:55 am
by sonny.zinn
You might want to create and use a Windows batch file. See ... batch.html. Use trajplot which is a HYSPLIT program for plotting trajectories.

Re: Display 455 Trajectorys in singel plots

Posted: June 22nd, 2021, 8:17 am
by Carlo
Hello Sonny.zinn,

thank you for your fast reply. I think I understand your main idea, but can you explain it a little bit more in detail ?

1) I have to create a Windows batch file
2) I need to use trajplot to create all plots
3) But for using Trajplot I need Phyton ?

Best wishes,

Re: Display 455 Trajectorys in singel plots

Posted: June 22nd, 2021, 12:50 pm
by sonny.zinn
A Windows batch file is an ASCII text file. Any text editor will do. If you have downloaded and installed the HYSPLIT Tutorial, look files under the batch directory. There are many samples there.

If you installed hysplit to C:\hysplit, the trajplot executable is located in C:\hysplit\exec. This one is faster than the python version,, which is located in the same directory.

Re: Display 455 Trajectorys in singel plots

Posted: November 17th, 2021, 5:37 am
by Carlo
Thank you !