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Define lat/lon range in the final plot and customize basemap

Posted: October 13th, 2020, 7:30 am
by aerosol
Hi there!

I am trying to make frequency plots. However, I would like to customize the final plots. I believe the default method uses 'arlmap' file present in the 'graphics' directory. Is there a way one could replace it by coastlines(only) without showing country boundaries? Also, is there a way to fix the lat/lon range for the basemap so that the corners of two different plots are identical?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Define lat/lon range in the final plot and customize basemap

Posted: October 19th, 2020, 8:40 am
by barbara.stunder
Yes, the default is 'arlmap'.  See the c:\hysplit\graphics\mapfiles\README_arlmap.txt file that describes the format of file 'arlmap'.  It is a text file that can be edited or you can create your own.  

The frequency plotting program is concplot.  If you run "concplot" on the Command Prompt line, you'll see all the options which are also described at  There is an option (-j) to use shapefles instead of arlmap.  For your application if you have a shapefile with only the coastlines, you can use that.  This is described more in the Tutorial at ... _maps.html.

Also, scanning through the options for concplot, with the -g0:N  and -hlat:lon options you force the map center and radius.