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Sub-hour trajectory cluster analysis

Posted: April 13th, 2017, 1:58 pm
by kaif
Hi, all!

I want to use HYSPLIT to do cluster analysis with 360 24-hour back trojectories, but it shows this error:

Model started ... it is slower at the beginning
Started Cluster (Version: April 2015)
Number of trajectories in INFILE: 360
clusread: ERROR problem with array XG array size

This error is because the time interval of my back trojectories is 15 minutes. So how can I do cluster analysis with trajectories with 15 min time interval?

Re: Sub-hour trajectory cluster analysis

Posted: April 18th, 2017, 12:11 pm
by barbara.stunder
The cluster code has not been updated to use sub-hour endpoints. If you can update the code and give it to us, we can include it for future releases. Otherwise, we will consider it in the future.

Re: Sub-hour trajectory cluster analysis

Posted: September 7th, 2021, 5:26 am
by indumati_sp
Has the cluster code been updated to use the sub-hour endpoints ? If yes, from which version?