backward trajectories on hysplit

Topics about the trajectory clustering program for HYSPLIT.
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backward trajectories on hysplit

Post by chyfan »

hi, I have some questions that confuse me. I can get backward trajectories by clicking the options that hysplit offers .I have already got it which is located in attachment. now I do not want to draw the picture by hysplit , I just want to get the data so that I can draw it by matlab . Can you tell me
how to set parameters by batch and get the data without clicking the options that hysplit offers. Or do you have any ideas to solve the problem that I I I face.because my english is poor , please tell me the answers detailly.
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Re: backward trajectories on hysplit

Post by Fantine »

You can run HYSPLIT using a batch file on a PC or a script on a Linux machine. There are examples of batch files and scripts on the HYSPLIT tutorial website.
For running backward trajectories, you can go to ... basic.html
Click the icons on top of the page to download a batch file or a shell script. And modify them for what you want to produce.
Once the trajectory result (in text format) is generated by the batch file, you can visualize it using matlab.
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Re: backward trajectories on hysplit

Post by chyfan »

thanks for your replay.I have a new question, as you know,the format of input meteorological data is arl or gbl. How can I open the file of this meteorological data? If I download the meteorological data from NCEP,what should I do so that the NCEP meteorological data can convert to the arl format ? I am looking forward to your reply.
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Re: backward trajectories on hysplit

Post by Cggc »

I really need help with this topic. I am trying to run multiple back trajectories from one location, in Antarctica, for 3 pressure levels for 10 years worth of data. I have all of the metdata files, but cannot figure out a script that will run. At the moment, I am using the GUI and it is testing my patience.

Please, I am begging, for anyone out there that might have a script that does this, to share this script with me. I am getting desparate.

Please do not direct me to the tutorials because they are set up for the same thing as the GUI. I have tried to modify these scripts, but keep coming up with FATAL ERRORS in the command line and either no picture or just the same picture as the example. These tutorials have left me with little confidence in the script since I clearly changed the Lat/long to Antarctica, but I am still getting a trajectory out of Ohio.

Please, can anyone out there share a script with me? I am sure I am not the first one to need to do this, so very curious as to why this isn't a thing built into HYSPLIT or even into their tutorials.
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Re: backward trajectories on hysplit

Post by barbara.stunder »


A similar question you wrote, with an answer, is at
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