Use of a customized netcdf file in HYPSLIT

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Use of a customized netcdf file in HYPSLIT

Post by asrivas »


I am a new HYSPLIT user. I have to do a backward trajectory analysis of an air parcel ending at the point (at specific lat, lon, and z level) of precipitation extremes. For this purpose, I have saved 15 days of 3-hourly NetCDF data of u,v, and omega at all 28 levels of NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis (V3)-- the last timestep is the time of precipitation extreme. I have 2 questions:

1) Do I need any other variable for a simple backward trajectory analysis in HYSPLIT?
2) How to convert this NetCDF data into HYSPLIT-confirming format?
3) Where to keep the transformed data in the HYSPLIT module, so that it can be read by the software?

Thank you.
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Joined: November 8th, 2012, 3:41 pm

Re: Use of a customized netcdf file in HYPSLIT

Post by Fantine »

The description of the met data in HYSPLIT required format is available in the user's guide: ... cnvrt.html.
Go to the TABLE of CONTENTS, and find Meteorology/Help/ARL Data Format

WRF-ARW met data are in Netcdf format. You can follow the converter for WRF-ARW data to customize one for your netcdf file. ... cnvrt.html

The met data used to run HYSPLIT can be stored in any directory. You can specific the path of the file in the CONTROL. This is described in the user's guide in the section of Trajectory/Setup Run/Control File Format
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