emission rate (CONTROL) and EMITIMES file

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emission rate (CONTROL) and EMITIMES file

Post by Sentia »

Dear collegues,

I am adaptating the tutorial "smoky nuclear test" (https://www.ready.noaa.gov/documents/Tu ... _test.html) to other meteorological files. I wrote the CONTROL, SETUP and EMITIMES files. However remaining the emission rates to 0 in the CONTROL file, lead me to concentrations of zeros in the output. Changing these rates give non null results. However, I have read on the tutorial that if not set to 0, the emission rate taken into account might be those from the CONTROL file and not the EMITIMES. What should I do then?

Maybe the mistake is somewhere else...

I attached the CONTROL and SETUP files.

I hope that someone will be able to help me.
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Re: emission rate (CONTROL) and EMITIMES file

Post by alicec »

Yes, if you are using an emit-times file then we recommend setting the emission rates in the CONTROL file to 0.
If you are getting no concentrations then your emit-times file either isn't being read or isn't setup properly.

If you look at the message file, you should see a line which indicates that it found and opened the emit-times file.

If you are still having trouble please also attach your message file and EMITIMES file.
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