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Tutorial Question - Dust Emission: Simplified Algorith

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 7:28 pm
by TJ_redlands
Hello I am running into a problem with the Dust Storm function, and I think I may be misunderstanding something. I am a relatively new HYSPLIT user and I was using the Dust Storms: Simplified Algorithm tutorial. I retrieved the Control File, and changed the advanced settings to match the tutorial and ran the dust storm special run. Based on the contol file and the starting locations included I expected a grid of emission sources spaced at .25 degrees with the lower left corner being 38 -115, and the upper right being 41, -110. However upon when displaying, it seems like this grid is cut off, not allowing any points to be created below 40 degrees, and between -114 and -113 degrees. I saw the same thing on the image given by the tutorial, only the difference was that they had four additional points around 39, -113. Is there some sort of method that I am misunderstanding that explains why only certain emission points are generated out of what I thought would be a larger grid?

Images are from the tutorial


Re: Tutorial Question - Dust Emission: Simplified Algorith

Posted: July 7th, 2022, 8:40 am
by alicec
For the simple algorithm the locations which are allowed to emit dust are determined from the landuse file.
Only locations coded as desert locations are allowed to emit.