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Wrong links for 2001 Asian dust example in Manual

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 1:50 am
by idrpark
Hi all,

In the 'Dust Stroms' section in the HYSPLIT manual, there are two links for the Mongolian dust strom of Apfil 2001: .
However, their links are broken. What are the right addresses? Or anyother locations that I can download them?
I really need them to precisely understand the process of dust strom simulations. At least I'd like to know the correct input file format among a bunch of FNL formats.

Re: Wrong links for 2001 Asian dust example in Manual

Posted: January 22nd, 2014, 8:39 am
by glenn.rolph
We no longer support that web page and have since written new documentation on the dust storm model for HYSPLIT. However, you can still access the web page at:

and the data can be downloaded from:

The latest dust storm documentation can be found in our current training document at: