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Discrepancy in Converted ERA5 Data Using era52arl Program

Posted: March 31st, 2024, 11:15 am
by nouaytiabdel
Dear HYSPLIT Community,

I have encountered an issue while using the HYSPLIT program for converting ERA5 data. Specifically, I have utilized the era52arl executable to convert ERA5 data distributed over a specified region (west=-50, east=30, south=40, north=60) from GRIB format to ARL format. However, upon comparing the converted ARL data with the original ERA5 data in GRIB format, I have noticed discrepancies between the two datasets.

Despite following the conversion process accurately, I am uncertain about the source of this discrepancy. Could anyone provide insights into potential reasons for such differences between the original ERA5 data and the data converted using the era52arl program? Additionally, if anyone has encountered similar issues or has expertise in troubleshooting such discrepancies, I would greatly appreciate your guidance on resolving this matter.

Thank you for your time and assistance.



Re: Discrepancy in Converted ERA5 Data Using era52arl Program

Posted: April 1st, 2024, 9:52 am
by alicec
Could you provide more details? You can also open an issue on