ERA52ARL error:latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees Key/value not found

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ERA52ARL error:latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees Key/value not found

Post by xinxuAdia »

Hello all, I am trying to use 'era52arl' to convert GRIB1 file to ARL file now. But I met some error during the running. I downloaded 4d pressure levels dataset and analysis surface files from ERA5 website. The downloaded parameters are chosen based on the default era52arl.cfg file.
I meet one error:
>./era52arl -o
Allocating agrib 14 SFC.GRIB
Allocating igrib 222 DATA.GRIB
Number of time periods found 1
ECCODES ERROR : get: latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees Key/value not found

The variable "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees" is defined in era52arl.f Line688:

! create HYSPLIT packing configuration file

write(kunit,*) '============================='


i=10 !arbitrary - all messages should have same grid.
call grib_get(igrib(i),'gridType',project)
write(kunit,*) 'PROJECTION:', trim(project)


!ERA5 outputs first grid point is the upper right corner
!last grid point is the lower left corner.
call grib_get(igrib(i),'latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees', clat2) ---Here

The variable 'clat2' stands for the location of grid points, but it should be read from the original GRIB file.
I am wondering whether the GRIB files I downloaded are wrong or there is another cause which makes this error occur.

For the instruction of era52arl,
It shows that:
! grib1 file with pressure levels
! grib1 file with analysis surface fields
! grib1 file with forecast surface fields

Are the pressure levels and surface fields for any type?
Because there are '4v', 'analysis', and 'fc' 3 types.
'fc' is for forecasting type but for the other 2 types '4v' and 'analysis', I chose the '4v' type. I am not sure whether it may be the potential cause.

Would you like to provide me with some resolutions?

Thank you very much.
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