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Can change the forecast time while converting wrfout to arl using arw2arl?

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 5:49 am
by lovechang1986
I try to convert the wrf mode output to ARL format file, so can i change the forecast time while converting?
For example wrfout forecast time is 2016-12-02 12:00:00, then I would like to write the arl file time for 2015-12-02 12:00:00?
How to amend arw2arl.f?
At present, I am modified as follows:

line : 531
! Number of time periods loop

   DO L = NT1, NT2

      ! Write the data fields for one time period in ARL format
      Fh = NINT (XMIN (L) / 60.0)! Forecast hour (minutes since start)
      READ (tvar (L), '(1x, 5 (1x, i2))') fyy, mm, dd, hh, mn
      yy = fyy-1
!!!!!! Here re-definition of a fyy, and then assignment to yy. But seems to not work.

Re: Can change the forecast time while converting wrfout to arl using arw2arl?

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 9:54 am
by Fantine
If you want to manipulate the date, what you did should be the proper way. The conversion program reads the date info from WRF output file to "tvar" (character array) and passes the year to "yy" (integer variable). And then it is packed to the ARL file.

Can you explain what is the result you got? Compilation errors, running errors or no change on the year in your ARL file? When you run the arw2arl, the last print out should be "Completed: 15 12 02 12 00". Did you see "15" rather than "16" after your changed "yy"?

Re: Can change the forecast time while converting wrfout to arl using arw2arl?

Posted: December 7th, 2016, 6:45 pm
by lovechang1986
Fantine wrote:If you want to manipulate the date, what you did should be the proper way. The conversion program reads the date info from WRF output file to "tvar" (character array) and passes the year to "yy" (integer variable). And then it is packed to the ARL file.

Can you explain what is the result you got? Compilation errors, running errors or no change on the year in your ARL file? When you run the arw2arl, the last print out should be "Completed: 15 12 02 12 00". Did you see "15" rather than "16" after your changed "yy"?
thanks,I just try again and it worked. maybe the process of make f90 to exe had some errors. i restarted machine..make.../something.csh..its ok!