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Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: October 28th, 2016, 1:01 pm
by coutre
Thank you for your answers. I downloaded Tcl/Tk version 8.6 on their website (ActiveTcl8. and installed it after having removed the Tcl and Tk directories from my system (found them thanks to the path written in the 2nd line of the error message; cf. the joined .txt file in my last message). The installation is successfull, but when trying to get Hysplit working, the message error stays the same. What bothers me is that according to the 2nd line of the error message which shows the path leading to the Wish app, Hysplit still seems to search for the 8.5 version of Wish, eventhough I have just installed the 8.6 version. I don't know if I should make another move after installing the 8.6 version of Wish and before trying to run Hysplit again?
If not, I guess I'll see if I can update my OS version.

Anyway, thank you very much for your time!

Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: October 28th, 2016, 2:55 pm
by ariel.stein
open the default_exec file in the working directory and modify the path to your newer tcl/tk version.

Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: November 3rd, 2016, 12:05 pm
by coutre
In default_exec I changed #Tcl_source_dir from
which is where the version 8.6.4 is, and I get the following error:

" Error in startup script: couldn't read file "/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.6/Resources/../guicode/htmlbrws.tcl": no such file or directory
while executing
"source [file join $tcl_dir .. guicode htmlbrws.tcl ]"
(in namespace eval "::html" script line 2)
invoked from within
"namespace eval html {
source [file join $tcl_dir .. guicode htmlbrws.tcl ]
namespace export load_html
(file "./hysplit4.tcl" line 538) "

And obviously Hysplit does not launch anymore.

Apart from that, I noticed that the activetcl website specifies that mac OS 10.5+ is required for running tcl, so my 10.6.8 should be enough, but the online documentation (file:///Library/Documentation/Help/ActiveTcl-8.6/index.html) asks for a 10.7 version or later... I don't know if that could interfere with something
Thank you again

Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: November 3rd, 2016, 1:22 pm
by ariel.stein
So it seems you will have to update to a more recent OS. I would suggest going to 10.9 or higher.
Also, please remove your default_exec file so the gui will create one for you.

Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: November 4th, 2016, 10:51 am
by coutre
All right, many thanks for your time & dedication! Do you know if any work has been done on comparing the Hysplit and Flexpart models for backtrajectories computing? The only paper I found was Pagano et al, 2010 or 2011.

Thank you,


Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: November 4th, 2016, 11:20 am
by ariel.stein
Please check the following paper. It is a comparison of HYSPLIT, STILT and Flexpart.

“Evaluation of Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Models from Controlled Tracer Releases”, Jennifer Hegarty , Roland R. Draxler, Ariel F. Stein , Jerome Brioude, Marikate Mountain, Janusz Eluszkiewicz, Thomas Nehrkorn, Fong Ngan, and Arlyn Andrews, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, doi:, 2013.

Re: Hysplit installation

Posted: June 17th, 2022, 10:42 am
by dmoranz
Pre requirements
Fully install x code and supplementary code lines
Install dmg by click “option” key and then right click and select open

Move “” to applications

On system settings go to security and privacy and select “open anyways” to add superuser privileges

If there are problems to open, right click as open with “select x code”

If the screen appears in black try to select with “xquartz” as GUI, that help me to solve the black screen

Be aware that if you run the examples from trajectory and concentration, you need to go back again to Security and privacy and give permission to “concplot” “hysplit”.
I think this is a layer of security that macOS Monterey used on its last update.
I am using this with intel base MacBook running macOS version 12.4, I am not sure if this works on M1 apple lates chips