Emission File and varying run times

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Emission File and varying run times

Post by rdavid »

I am currently trying to use the Emission file (EMITIMES) to change the various run times for specific point sources to more accurately depict the estimated deposition from these sources. Unfortunately, this seems to have no effect and the subsequent deposition plot does not change. Is there a setting that I am unaware of within the CONTROL file that needs to be changed in order for the EMITIMES file to supersede the settings in the CONTROL file?

I came across this viewtopic.php?t=166&p=630 forum reply and I am a little concerned by the fact that it states that the EMITIMES file and the CONTROL file are no longer compatible. Does that mean that varying times for certain sources can no longer be run?

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Re: Emission File and varying run times

Post by glenn.rolph »

No, it just means that you need to tell HYSPLIT that it is to use the EMITIMES file instead of the source information in the CONTROL file. This is done by putting the following line in the SETUP.CFG file (this is automatically done for you if you use the PC GUI to define the source emission file and tell the model to use this file using Advanced/Configuration Setup/Concentration/Define EMISSION CYCLING option)....

efile = 'EMITIMES',
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